Rubble Kings, a new film from Shan Nicholson, focuses on the late 70’s gangs in New York City. From 1968 to 1975, gangs ruled NYC. Beyond the idealistic hopes of the civil rights movement lay a unfocused rage. Neither law enforcement nor social agency could end the escalating bloodshed. Peace came only through the most unlikely and courageous of events that would change the world for generations to come by giving birth to hip-hop culture.
Rubble Kings chronicles life during this era of gang rule, tells the story of how a few extraordinary, forgotten people did the impossible, and how their actions impacted New York City and the world over. Today our friends over at Mass Appeal and Adult Swim just made the soundtrack available for free download.
The Rubble King soundtrack features new music from Run The Jewels, Ghostface Killah, Bun B & more. Download it here and watch the movie trailer below.